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Montreal Negotiations on Profit Sharing (WGDSI-2)

From August 12 to 16, Montreal hosted WGDSI-2 (Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources), a crucial meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity in preparation for COP16, scheduled to take place in Cali, Colombia, in October.

Photo credit: IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin

Join our webinar with Laura Fequino, Policy Analyst, and David Roy, Executive Director of Workshops for Biodiversity, for an in-depth discussion on:

  • What is benefit sharing from the use of digital sequence information of genetic resources?

  • Who is participating in this meeting and why does it involve private sector actors?

  • What were the results and major issues of this meeting?

  • How does it fit into the context of COP16 and the Global Biodiversity Framework from Kunming to Montreal?


On the road to COP16 on biodiversity: Montreal negotiations on benefit sharing (WGDSI-2)

Date and time: Wednesday, September 4 from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Location: Online


(Unavailable on September 4th? Register anyway. A recording will be available for registered participants.)


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